Be Encouraged. Stay Encouraged. Encourage Others. cont..."Belief is not a choice”
Do not be afraid to take a leap in faith and start dealing with those issues that cause you to worry. God says" He will show us a way out".

Be Encouraged. Stay Encouraged. Encourage Others. cont..."Be filled with Knowledge of HIS Will"
It’s time to reset the button and began to see beyond our natural man and walk in faith and expect the impossible.

Be Encouraged. Stay Encouraged. Encourage Others. "Stand in the truth of who you are in Me,
The time has come where; God is calling us to stand in HIS truth. HE has purposed us for such a time like this. We must trust the process.

African Methodist Episcopal Church 5th Episcopal District Southern California Conference WMS
August Say “Hello” to August; the eighth month of the calendar year, and “Hello” to a fresh start. The number eight in the Bible...

African Methodist Episcopal Church Fifth Episcopal District Women’s Missionary Society Bi-Monthly De
July The month of July is the seventh month in the calendar year, the number that is known biblically as the number of completion. On...

WMS Health Awareness Month
In the month of June the WMS are participating in Health awareness. Our WMS will have a 5K Walk and Health Expo on June 17, 2017 (note:...

Celebrate and Honor the Lord for all the Mothers this month
The month of May is the fifth month of the year. The number 5 symbolizes God’s grace, goodness and favor. The Ten Commandments contains...

Let Us Sing Glory Hallelujah to our King!
African Methodist Episcopal Church Fifth Episcopal District Southern Conference Women’s Missionary Society Monthly Devotional April...

Let Us Remember to Pray, Fast & Meditate during this Lenten Season
African Methodist Episcopal Church Fifth Episcopal District Southern Conference Women’s Missionary Society Monthly Devotional March...

February Devotion During February on the second Sunday, we celebrate Founder’s Day – the birth and foundation of the African Methodist...