Be Encouraged. Stay Encouraged. Encourage Others. cont..."Be filled with Knowledge of HIS Will"
"Be filled with Knowledge of HIS Will"
Let me say, if you are not ready to be encouraged, you might not want to hang around me. Encouragement is a gift from the Lord! It doesn’t matter what type of day I’m having or had, talking to the Lord seem to lift my spirit! I want you to be encouraged today and know God loves you and me so much that; he will not allow us to get away with stuff that will interfere with HIS plan for our lives. So when God corrects us, it out of pure love. God’s way of growing and transforming us is not by scrutiny, as some of us suppose. God has been out of the punishing business for a long time. The devil is a “LIAR”.
The time has come where; God is calling us to stand in HIS truth. HE has purposed us for such a time like this. We must trust the process. Let us not become distracted, discouraged, or disappointed, but stand in expectation of HIS goodness here on earth.
It’s time to reset the button and began to see beyond our natural man and walk in faith and expect the impossible. Be sensitive to the Holy Spirit and His directions. Trust God even through conditions that seem bleak and hostile; knowing that the plans HE has for us is to prosper and not harm.
Hebrews 12:11 Now no chastening seems to be joyful for the present, but painful; nevertheless, afterward it yields the peaceable fruit of righteousness to those who have been trained by it.
Psalms 8:10 "Lord, our Lord, How excellent is your name in all the earth, Who have set Your glory above the heaven